Prize bond List 7500 1 November 2019 Lahore

Prize Bond List 7500 1 November 2019 Lahore


Draw Place: Lahore
Draw Number: 80th
Series: Common Draw
Date: 01/11/2019

Click Here To Get Complete Prize Bond List 7500

First Prize of Rs.15,000,000/-

Second Prize of Rs.5,000,000/- Each 3 Prizes

Third Prize of 1,696 Prizes of Rs.93,000/- Each

The prize bond draw result for the prize bond of rupees seven thousand and five hundred (Rs.7500) has been held in Lahore on November 1st, 2019 on Friday by the Central Directorate of National Savings, Government of Pakistan.

Prize Bond List 7500 1 November 2019 Lahore:

The prize bond draw result list of Rs.7500 is published as soon as it is provided by the State Bank of Pakistan. Hurry up and grab the attention you deserve! Because the full draw list for the prize bond of seven thousand and five hundred (Rs.7500) which is held by the National Savings, Government of Pakistan on November 1st, 2019 on Friday. This is the 80th draw of prize bond worth of Rs.7500 held in Lahore. The prize bond of Rs.7500 denomination is available on the same date as draw is held. We are proud to give you the prize bond list 7500 1 November 2019 Lahore and this is for what NationalSavings.Pk is renowned.

Hi my name is Zain Ul Abideen, Currently doing MCS, desperate about blogging and web designing, I love doing work in PHP and looking forward to master it. My mission is to spread knowledge about every thing i know and especially Islam.